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Annual Services Reception and Dinner

The Services Dinner, Tuesday 22nd November 2016.

In the presence of Knight President The Rt. Hon. Admiral The Lord West of Spithead GCB, DSC, PC. The Society’s Annual Services Reception & Dinner was held at the Armourers Hall London.

The Society’s members enjoyed the highly decorative rooms within Armourers Hall. Dinner was followed by a splendid musical interlude from Miss Lucy Colquhoun, and Mr Dominic Brown, both award winners from the Royal School of Music.

Following the Loyal Toasts, and a rendition of the name and fame of Arthur, King of Britain, Knight Counsellor Paul Webb presented new Knights for Installation into The Honourable Society of the Knights of the Round-table.

The Society’s awards to the Clacton Navy Cadet Force was given by Knight Didy Graham OBE, MVO after which the Cadets were introduced to the members by Cdr James Nisbit VR, RNR. Vice Admiral Duncan Potts CB spoke to each cadet individually presenting them with a certificate from the Society. The Cadets being overwhelmingly impressed, out ranked and rather tired due to the late hour, retired to be driven back to their base in North East Essex.

The Knight President gave a short history of the valued work undertaken over many years and presented a scroll of thanks to Knight Terence Mallinson in gratitude to his many years service to The Honourable Society.

Our members and guests then thoroughly enjoyed an after dinner talk peppered with much humour, by the evening's guest of honour.

When the time for dispersal came The Knight President led by a delegation of Knights re-enacted the Ceremony of Excalibur.

The Gallery below shows a selection of images taken at the Reception & Dinner, to view a larger image please click on the gallery.



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