Callum Dixon - Update from Alan Hinds, East London Scouts
Dear Didy, .... I thought I would share some positive news. One of our Scouts who attended the dedication service in the past is racing...
Callum Dixon - Update from Alan Hinds, East London Scouts
Andrew Ang -2023 Surgical Skills Awardee
Ada Maria Krzak - 2023 Surgical Skills Award
James Marshman: Joint winner of Louis Solomon Award for Surgical Skills from the Royal College
Angus White: Joint winner of Louis Solomon Award for Surgical Skills from the Royal College Surgeons
Gregor Milne (Arts Ed) - 28 06 2022 Update
Surgical Skills Competion Winners
Lucy Colquhoun Wins The Day!
Lauren Reeve-Rawlings' French Horn Dreams
Amanda McLeod's Conservation Studies