Gregor Milne (Arts Ed) - 28 06 2022 UpdateGregor Milne (Arts Ed) Has now left Arts Ed and is touring in the hugely acclaimed The Girl from the North Country in the role of Gene. ...
Cassandra Wright - The Royal Academy of Music - 28 06 2022 UpdateCassandra Wright has been selected as one of RAM's Bicentenary Scholars for the 2022/23 academic year. (these scholarships enable a...
Evgeni Petrichev 2022 The Royal College of Music - UpdateEvgeni Petrichev have passed his final exams this year with 1st Class marks (he has a further year to go at the RCM).
Marvin Beli - Update 28/06/2022Marvin Beli has achieved 1st Class with distinction in his final BA exams